
Introduction of Solar Home Systems in Mozambique

SolarWorks! had the intention to set-up a project for the distribution and sale of solar home systems in Mozambique. The project marketed solar home systems to low- and middle-income households that lack access to a reliable source of electricity for lighting, mobile-phone charging and other purposes. The project made use of the proven concept of pay-as-you-go technology, whereby households pay-off the systems over a 24-month period. The project targeted an estimated 2,842 households in the 15-month period, which is equivalent to a generation capacity of 0.58MW. The overall objective of the project was to contribute to poverty alleviation by the provision of cost effective and appropriate energy solutions to low-income households, particularly in rural areas where energy services are currently scarce or none existing.


Outcome and Impact

As a result of this project, 270 tCO2eq emission reductions achieved annually. During the project period 2,935 households were reached with systems sold and installed. This project created direct jobs for 72 employees with 39% of employees being women. 40.45 MWh renewable energy generated.


Read an interview with CEO Arnoud de Vroomen >>

Project Developer



Total Project Budget

EUR 552 289

EEP Africa Financing

EUR 349 059


Solar PV



Project Period

2016 - 2017