SowPrecise Africa

Portable Solar-Powered Irrigation Pumps in Kenya

The project will provide affordable irrigation to low-income farmers in Kenya’s ASAL through the development and implementation of a mobile solar-powered irrigation system called SunRider offered on aPay-Per-Use model. The SunRider is cost-effective and integrated with user-friendly planning software to empower farmers with data-driven insights for optimised irrigation strategies. In addition, SowPrecise Africa incorporates soil moisture IoT devices for precise water management to address challenges with water scarcity. 


Outcome and Impact

The project aims to develop seven portable solar irrigation pumps, creating enhanced energy access for 195 smallholder farmers. On an annual basis, the project will reduce 4,700 tCO2e and 65 MWh of clean electricity will be generated. Furthermore, SowPrecise Africa plans to create 100 temporary jobs and 12 permanent jobs, with 67% of leadership positions filled by women. Savings on energy-related expenditure is estimated to be EUR 28K.


Project Developer

SowPrecise Africa is a women-led social enterprise with a mission to transform arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) in Kenya into productive farms, using innovative agricultural technologies and shared resources.



Total Project Budget

EUR 285 800

EEP Africa Financing

EUR 200 000


Productive use of energy

Energy Source



Pilot project

Project Start

2024 -