iSmart Kenya

Demonstrating iSmart

iSmart is a social enterprise that distributes clean-burning cookstoves, solar lamps, water filters and other household goods to base of the economic pyramid (BoP) customers in Nairobi’s slums that could benefit from these products, but currently lack access.

In this project, iSmart aimed to distribute clean cookstoves in Nairobi’s urban slums and demonstrate the market potential and viability of the business model in peri-urban and rural markets outside of Nairobi. Over the duration of the project, iSmart aimed to create jobs as sales agents for 150 youth and women and distribute 5,000 clean-cookstoves.


Outcome and Impact:

Through this project iSmart distributed 5,273 clean cookstoves. Each cookstoves reduces 2.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, resulting in a total reduction of 13,710 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. The cookstoves last for approximately 5 years, resulting in a total savings of 68,550 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Through this project, iSmart trained 351 youth and women and employed 233 youth and women as sales agents.


Success Story: Demonstrating iSmart’s potential in Kenya’s peri-urban and rural areas >>

Project Developer



Total Project Budget

EUR 157 381

EEP Africa Financing

EUR 106 673




Demonstration project

Project Period

2015 - 2016