Mukuru Clean Stoves

Scaling Up a Women-led Clean Cookstove Value Chain in Kenya

This project scaled up Mukuru’s women-led production and distribution of improved cookstoves, reducing the cost and sales price and reaching more households. Mukuru employs local women artisans and technicians to manufacture the cookstoves from recycled materials. The company distributes to low-income communities through female entrepreneurs and partnerships with women’s groups and local micro-finance institutions. EEP Africa financing expanded Mukuru’s production capacity, in terms of machinery and personnel, and enabled the company to extend distribution to four new counties in Kenya.


Outcome and Impact

The project enhanced clean energy access for low-income households and increased income opportunities for women entrepreneurs. Mukuru sold 32,333 improved cookstoves and enhanced access for 126,099 people. This improved household health, reduced 41,649 tonnes of CO₂e emissions, and resulted in EUR 241,332 in annual savings on energy-related expenditures.





Total Project Budget

EUR 309 996

EEP Africa Financing

EUR 216 997


Clean cooking

Energy source



Scale-up project

Project period

2020 - 2021