The fifth EEP Knowledge Exchange Forum (KEF) will take place in Lusaka on Tuesday April 11 at the InterContinental Hotel.
The successful KEF concept has been developed by EEP as a main tool in sharing knowledge and experiences between EEP project developers and other stakeholders in the industry.
Our earlier KEFs in Johannesburg (2014), Dar-es-Salaam (2015), Windhoek (2016) and Nairobi (2016) were received with a great interest by the EEP project developers. The positive feedback from participants has enabled us to create an event which is specifically geared towards and tailored for the needs of EEP project developers. The event in Lusaka provides a combination of presentations on the current status of renewable energy in the S&EA region as well as discussion on options for support to your respective projects. Based on its core idea of networking, the KEF serves as an ample opportunity to share experiences between project developers and other stakeholders and to learn from each other.
Save the date now and wait for further information on the registration to the event! Please note that the registration for the KEF in Nairobi had to be closed early due to high demand.