According to the EEP S&EA Annual Monitoring & Evaluation Programme Report, EEP S&EA has experienced a very successful year 2016.
The validated results of the 103 monitored projects (out of 223 approved for grant funding) show good progress on almost all indicators, and several indicators exceeded by very considerable margins. Total economic benefits through EEP projects amounted to EUR 55,7m consisting of time-cost savings, wages from jobs and business income, and actual CO2 emission reductions amounted to 706,063 tonnes. In terms of increased business development support (BDS), the indicator target was achieved as a result of successful scaled-up activities. The EEP BDS contributed to supporting the project developers in managing RE/EE businesses and leveraging finance. Finally, the results highlight that EEP S&EA has consolidated its important regional role in knowledge dissemination and public awareness of RE and EE.
Highlighting EEP S&EA’s success in 2016, nearly 3 million people benefited from clean energy projects funded by EEP, and about 588,000 rural and urban households received improved access to off-grid clean energy. In terms of gender balance, 52% of total savings were accounted as benefits accruing to women, and out of the total 5,930 jobs created 2,142 were specifically for women.
Read more about the progress on performance, the up-to-date programme portfolio overview and other results in the EEP S&EA Annual M&E report.