Green Bio Energy

Briketi energy saving solutions

The project aimed to modernise Green Bio Energy’s (GBE) production plant (for both briquettes and stoves) and to expand its business model. GBE is a social enterprise based in Kampala, Uganda that offers low-income Ugandan families access to cost-saving, safe and eco-friendly energy solutions such as energy efficient cook stoves and environmentally friendly charcoal briquettes. The products are partly brought to the customers through networks of B-Points, which are independent micro-entrepreneurs trained by GBE. GBE also provides individuals and organizations with trainings on topics such as micro-enterprise management, briquettes and stoves production, for which it sells equipment and machinery.


Outcome and Impact:

During this project an emission reduction of 280,222 tC02e were achieved. 78,255 households gained access to renewable energy. 275 direct jobs created (women) through collaboration with partners for distribution of clean cooking solutions. 110 direct jobs created at GBE by the end of the project. 43 female micro-entrepreneurs have been trained in business skills for retailing briquettes and improved cookstoves.


Success Story: Green Bio Energy has sold over 85,000 cookstoves and 1,600 tons of briquettes >>



Total Project Budget

EUR 817 007

EEP Africa Financing

EUR 429 200


Cook stoves


Scale up project

Project Period

2015 - 2017