Green Impact Technologies

Market Food Waste to Biogas Energy

The project piloted an innovative distribution model for waste-to-energy at Tsangano, a vegetable market in Ntcheu district, Malawi. Green Impact Technologies established two 20 m3 biodigesters that convert biodegradable waste from the market into biogas. The clean energy is stored and distributed in refillable biogas bags to local households, restaurants and businesses. The biodigester also converts bio slurry into organic fertiliser that is sold to smallholder farmers. In addition, Green Impact Technologies established an energy hub close to the market that distributes a range of clean energy technologies to surrounding communities, such as PAYG solar water pumps, solar home systems and improved cookstoves. EEP Africa financing enabled GIT to set up the biodigester and refilling hub in order to test this business model.


Outcome and Impact

The project provided a waste-to-energy solution for a local vegetable market, partnering with the Tsangano market committee to coordinate collection of feedstock at the market, and employed two youth to manage the biodigester and distribute the biogas. The installed biogas system generated 0.31 MW of clean energy and reduced 1,909 tCO2e emissions during the life of the project. GIT has collaborated with 10 agro-dealers in 10 trading centers in the central region of Malawi who act as sales agents in distributing the organic fertilisers, serving over 2,000 farmers as of December 2023. Through their energy hub, GIT sold 1,555 solar home systems and 270 solar water pumps.


Profile of Admore Chimua, Founder of Green Impact Technologies >>




Total Project Budget

EUR 300 000

EEP Africa Financing

EUR 200 000


Clean cooking

Energy Source



Pilot project

Project Period

2021 - 2023