Kleen Energy

Feasibility of Hybrid Wind and Solar PV

The aim of the project was to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study which would refine the existing pre-feasibility study and Environmental Impact Assessment to develop 52 acres of secured land to implement a hybrid wind and solar PV renewable energy project. This hybrid 10MW solar PV plant/15MW wind farm was constructed in the Central Province in an area adjacent to the town of Ngong. Clean energy generated by this project was provided to the main off-taker, Kenyan Power and Lighting Company (KPLC).


Outcome and Impact

The project site was located in an area endowed with an important wind and solar resource. The irradiation was estimated to reach around 2100 kWh/m2. The Annual Energy Production for the 10 MW Solar Power Plant was estimated at 17,997 MWh / year. The AEP for the 10 MW Wind Power Plant was estimated at 33,144 MWh / year.

Project Developer



Total Project Budget

EUR 374 826

EEP Africa Financing

EUR 300 000


Hybrid, Solar PV, Wind



Project Period

2016 - 2017